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 Prof. Yael Lahav - Recent Publications



T. Greene, Y. Lahav, I. Bronstein, Z. Solomon. The role of ex-POWs’ PTSD symptoms and trajectories in wives’ secondary traumatization. Journal of Family Psychology, Vol. 28(5), pp. 666-674, 2014.

Y. Lahav, R. Rodin, Z. Solomon. Somatic complaints and attachment in former prisoners of war: A longitudinal study. Psychiatry- Interpersonal and Biological Processes, Vol. 78(4), pp. 354-366, 2015.

T. E. Andersen, Y. Lahav, R. Defrin, M. Mikulincer, Z. Solomon. Attachment security and pain - The disrupting effect of captivity and PTSS. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Vol. 79(6), pp. 471-476, 2015.

T. Greene, Y. Lahav, Y. Kanat-Maymon, Z. Solomon. A longitudinal study of Secondary posttraumatic growth in wives of ex-POWs. Psychiatry- Interpersonal and Biological Processes, Vol. 78(2), pp. 186-197, 2015.

Y. Lahav, Y. Kanat-Maymon, Z. Solomon. Secondary traumatization and attachment among wives of former POWs: A longitudinal study. Attachment & Human Development, Vol.18(2), pp. 141-153, 2016.

I. Bronstein, Y. Levin, Y. Lahav, Z. Solomon. World assumptions among wives of former prisoners of war. Journal of Family Issues, Vol. 37(12), pp. 1746-1767, 2016.

Y. Lahav, Z. Solomon, Y. Levin. Posttraumatic growth and perceived health: The role of posttraumatic stress symptoms. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 86(6), pp. 693-703, 2016.

A. Elklit, K. Karen-Inge., Y. Lahav, T. Andersen. Attachment and posttraumatic stress disorder in multiple trauma samples. Journal of Psychiatry, 19(3), 370, 2016.

Y. Lahav, J. Y. Stein, Z. Solomon. Keeping a healthy distance: Self-differentiation and perceived health among ex-POWs' wives. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Vol. 89, pp. 61-68, 2016.

Y. Lahav, A. Elklit. The cycle of healing - dissociation and attachment during treatment of CSA survivors. Child Abuse & Neglect, Vol. 60, pp. 67-76, 2016.

Y. Lahav, E. Bellin, Z. Solomon. Posttraumatic growth and shattered world assumptions among ex-POWs: The role of dissociation. Psychiatry- Interpersonal and Biological Processes, Vol. 79, pp. 418-432, 2016.

L. Crompton, Y. Lahav, Z. Solomon. Auditory hallucinations and PTSD in ex-POWs. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, Vol. 18(5), pp. 663-678, 2017.

R. Defrin, Y. Lahav, Z. Solomon. (2017). Dysfunctional pain modulation in trauma survivors: the mediating effect of PTSD. Journal of Pain, Vol. 18(1), pp. 1-10, 2017.

J. Y. Stein, Y. Lahav, Z. Solomon. Self-disclosing trauma and post-traumatic stress symptoms in couples: A longitudinal study. Psychiatry- Interpersonal and Biological Processes, Vol. 80(1), pp. 79-91, 2017.

Y. Lahav, Y. Levin, M. Bensimon, Y. Kanat-Maymon, Z. Solomon. Secondary traumatization and differentiation among ex-POWs' wives: a reciprocal association. Journal of Traumatic Stress, Vol. 30(4), pp. 399-408, 2017.

T. E. Andersen, Y. Lahav, H. Ellegaard, C. Manniche. A randomized controlled trial of brief somatic-experiencing for chronic back pain. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, Vol. 8(1), pp. 1-9, 2017.

Y. Lahav, Y. Kanat-Maymon, Z. Solomon. Posttraumatic growth and dyadic adjustment among war veterans and their wives. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 8, p. 1102, 2017.

N. Tsur, G. Shahar, R. Defrin, Y. Lahav, K. Ginzburg. Torturing personification of chronic pain in torture survivors. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Vol. 99, pp. 155-161, 2017.

S. Navon, J. Meyerson, Y. Lahav. Two-Track Differentiation Paradigm in Psychotherapy. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, Vol. 48(1), pp. 27-32, 2018.

N. Tsur, R. Defrin, Y. Lahav, Z. Solomon. The traumatized body: Long-term PTSD and its implications for the orientation towards bodily signals. Psychiatry Research, Vol. 261, pp. 281-289, 2018.

S. L. Ravn, M. Sterling, Y. Lahav, T. E. Andersen. Reciprocal associations of pain and post-traumatic stress symptoms after whiplash injury: A longitudinal, cross-lagged study. European Journal of Pain, Vol. 22(5), pp. 926-934, 2018.

Y. Lahav, S. Avidor, J. Y. Stein, X. Zhou, Z. Solomon. Telomere length and Depression among Ex-Prisoners-of-War: The Role of Subjective Age. Journals of Gerontology B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, Vol. 00, pp.1-9, 2018.

Y. Lahav, A. Siegel, Z. Solomon. Twofold Trauma Exposure – The Dual Function of Attachment Avoidance. Attachment & Human Development, Vol. 20(5), pp. 514-531, 2018.

J. Y. Stein, Y. Levin, Y. Lahav, O. Uziel, H. Abumock, Z. Solomon. Perceived social support, loneliness and later life telomere length following wartime captivity. Health Psychology, Vol. 37(11), pp. 1067-1076, 2018.

Y. Lahav, K. D. Renshaw, Z. Solomon. Domestic Abuse and Forgiveness among Military Spouses. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, Vol. 28(2), pp. 243-260, 2019.

Y. Lahav, A. Talmon, K. Ginzburg, D. Spiegel. Reenacting Past Abuse – Identification with the Aggressor and Sexual Revictimization. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, Vol. 20(4), pp. 378-391, 2019.

Y. Lahav, N. Price, L. Crompton, A. Laufer, Z. Solomon. Sexual satisfaction in spouses of ex-POWs: The role of PTSD symptoms and self-differentiation. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, Vol. 45(8), pp. 755-766, 2019.

Y. Lahav, A. Talmon, K. Ginzburg. Knowing the abuser inside and out: The development and psychometric evaluation of the Identification with the Aggressor Scale. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, p.886260519872306, 2019.

Y. Lahav, Z. Solomon, A. Siegel, N. Tsur, R. Defrin. Punishing the Self: Posttraumatic Guilt mediates the link between trauma and deficient pain modulation. Journal of Pain, Vol.21(3-4), pp.364-374, 2019.

A. Gewirtz-Meydan, Y. Lahav, W. Walsh, D. Finkelhor. Psychopathology among adult survivors of child pornography. Child Abuse & Neglect, Vol.98, p.104189, 2019.

Y. Lahav, K. Ginzburg, D. Spiegel. Posttraumatic Growth, Dissociation and Sexual Revictimization in Female Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors. Child Maltreatment, Vol. 25(1), pp. 96-105, 2020.

J. Y. Stein, R. Bachem, Y. Lahav, Z. Solomon. The Aging of Heroes: Posttraumatic Stress, Resilience and Growth among Aging Decorated Veterans. Journal of Positive Psychology, pp.1-8, 2020.

A. Gewirtz-Meydan, Y. Lahav. Sexual functioning among childhood sexual abuse survivors from an attachment perspective. Journal of Sexual Medicine, Vol.17(7), pp.1370-1382, 2020.

Y. Lahav, Y. Stein, Z. Hasson, R. Solomon, Z. Impostorism, Subjective Age and Perceived Health among Aging Veterans. Social Science & Medicine, Vol.258, p.113082, 2020.

A. Gewirtz-Meydan, Y. Lahav. Sexual dysfunction and distress among childhood sexual abuse survivors: The role of PTSD. Journal of Sexual Medicine, Vol.17(11), pp.2267-2278, 2020.

Y. Lahav. Psychological Distress Related to COVID-19 – The Contribution of Continuous Traumatic Stress. Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol.277, pp.129-137, 2020.

A. Gewirtz-Meydan, Y. Lahav. Childhood Sexual Abuse and Sexual Motivations – the Role of Dissociation. Journal of Sex Research, pp.1-10, 2020.

Y. Lahav, S. Allende, A. Talmon, K. Ginzburg. D. Spiegel. Identification with the Aggressor and Inward and Outward Aggression in Abuse Survivors. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, pp.1-24, 2020.

A. Abu Hamam, S. Milo, I. Mor, E. Shaked, A. Sultana Eliav, Y. Lahav. Peritraumatic reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic – The contribution of posttraumatic growth attributed to prior trauma. Journal of Psychiatric Research, pp.23-31, 2020.

Y. Lahav, D. Levy, A. Ohry, G. Zeilig, M. Lahav, H. Golander, A. Chacham-Guber, O. Uziel, R. Defrin. Chronic Pain and Premature Aging – The Moderating Role of Physical Exercise. The Journal of Pain, in press, Vol.22(2), pp.209-218, 2021.

S. Avidor, Y. Lahav, Z. Solomon. The Longitudinal Associations between Attitudes to Aging and Attachment Insecurities among Combat Veterans. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol.91(2), pp.162-170, 2021.

A. Siegel, Y. Lahav. Emotion Regulation and Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Childhood Abuse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1-25, 2021.

A. Siegel, I. Mor, Y. Lahav. Profiles in COVID-19: Peritraumatic stress symptoms and their relation with death anxiety, anxiety sensitivity, and emotion dysregulation. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, Vol.12(1), 1968597, 2021.

Y. Lahav. Suicidality in Childhood Abuse Survivors - The Contribution of Identification with the Aggressor. Journal of Affective Disorders, pp.804-810, 2021.


Y. Lahav. Painful bonds: Identification with the aggressor and distress among IPV survivors. Journal of Psychiatric Research, pp.26-31, 2021.


S. Avidor, A. Abu Hamam, Y. Lahav. The Toll of Feeling Older: Subjective Age Moderates the Associations between Anxiety Sensitivity and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression during COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Gerontology B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, in press.


Y. Lahav, S. Avidor, D. Levy, A. Ohry, G. Zeilig, M. Lahav, H. Golander, A. Chacham-Guber, O. Uziel, R. Defrin. Shorter telomeres among individuals with physical disability: The moderating role of perceived stress. Journal of Gerontology B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, in press.

Y. Lahav. Hyper-sensitivity to the Perpetrator and the Likelihood of Returning to Abusive Relationships. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2022, doi:10.1177/08862605221092075

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